Highway Capacity Analysis – Self-Paced Version
Virtual | Applicable for 12 PDHs
This course is for engineering and planning professionals who wish to understand HCM methods and their applications. It covers the same scope as the Highway Capacity Analysis training series but is delivered as a self-paced course, where you can learn on your own time and schedule.
Highway Capacity Analysis – Self-Paced Version
Virtual | Applicable for 12 PDHs
This course is for engineering and planning professionals who wish to understand HCM methods and their applications. It covers the same scope as the Highway Capacity Analysis training series but is delivered as a self-paced course, where you can learn on your own time and schedule.
Why a self-paced course?
Course Structure
产品概述 | HCM and HCS Overview |
Freeways 模块 | Freeway Segments (Basic, Weaving, Merge & Diverge, Managed Lanes, Work Zone) Freeway Facilities (Travel Time Reliability, ATDM) |
Highways 模块 | Multilane Highways and Two-Lane Highways |
无信号灯的交叉口 | Two-Way Stop Controlled Intersections (TWSC) All-Way Stop Controlled Intersections (AWSC) Roundabouts and Roundabout Segments |
Signalized Intersections | Signalized Intersections (NEMA, Phase Duration, Multiple-Period Analysis) Urban Streets (Flow Profile, Access Points, ATDM) Ramp Terminals and Alternative Intersections (DDI, DLT, RCUT, MUT) |
Course fees are $395 per person.
Group Discount
For multiple registrations from the same agency or company on a single transaction, the fee is discounted 10% at $355 per person.
Are you interested in training larger teams (20+ employees)? Contact us at mctrans@ce.ufl.edu for a personalized quote at reduced per-person rates.
Upon completing the course, attendees are provided a certificate of completion and 12 PDHs.
Completion of the course requires navigating through all online modules and taking a quiz at the end while reaching the minimum pass mark of 70%.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course attendees will be able to:
- Understand key concepts for capacity analyses, including level of service, service measures, free-flow speed, peak hour factor, undersaturated x oversaturated conditions, etc.
- List strengths and limitations of the HCM methods
- Apply the HCM methods for planning level and operational analyses
- Determine the Level of Service of different road elements
- Use the Highway Capacity Software to analyze different road elements (freeways, highways, intersections, urban streets, interchanges, and alternative intersections)
- Understand the required inputs for HCS analyses and learn about common modeling mistakes
- Extract HCS reports and interpret performance measures
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Attendees must meet minimum technology requirements such as having a computer with a steady internet connection and audio output. The course will be delivered through Moodle, an online Learning Management System (LMS).
Course access and duration
Upon registration, attendees will receive credentials (username and password) to access the course via Moodle. Once registered, attendees will have access to the course for a period of 45 days. You will be provided access to the course material immediately after your order is processed. If you wish to start your access period at a later date, please indicate the desired date under “Special Instructions” during checkout . You can also send an email to mctrans@ce.ufl.edu with your selected date.
While the time needed to complete all modules may vary for every person, it is expected that an average of 12 hours will be needed to complete all training modules.
All course material will be available through Moodle. It is strongly recommended that attendees have access to the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) in order to practice the concepts discussed in the course.
This course was specifically designed for:
Engineers, planners, designers, managers and analysts who perform transportation studies and desire to obtain a solid understanding of the required tools and methods;
Public agency employees who either perform transportation studies or review studies submitted by contractors;
Professionals who want to build a solid foundation for exams such as PE or PTOE.