Transportation Equity Fundamentals

Virtual | Applicable for 24.0 PDHs

The Transportation Equity Fundamentals certification consists of the following two courses:

  1. Transportation Equity Fundamentals I (12 hours)
  2. Transportation Equity Fundamentals II (12 hours)

This program is designed to provide transportation engineers, planners, project managers, and public policy makers with a transportation equity perspective and knowledge on how to use equity principles in their day-to-day work. High-level content covered in these two courses are listed below. Participants will be provided with an opportunity to collaborate in interactive exercises. The Transportation Equity Fundamentals Certification will be awarded to participants who complete Transportation Equity Fundamentals I and II courses. Each training is an 12-hour-live online course.

Transportation Equity Fundamentals

Virtual | Applicable for 16.0 PDHs

The Transportation Equity Fundamentals program is designed to provide transportation engineers with a transportation equity perspective and knowledge on how they can use the equity principles in their day-to-day work. High-level content covered in this training (Transportation Equity Fundamentals I and II) is included in the content section of the page.

Participants will be provided with an opportunity to collaborate in interactive exercises. The Transportation Equity Certification will be awarded to participants who took Transportation Equity Fundamentals I and II courses. Each training is an 8-hour-live online course.


High-level content covered in the two courses:

  • Leveraging AI for Enhanced Transportation Equity and AI Ethics
  • Understanding Various Types of Equity and their Transportation Implications
  • Incorporating Health and Social Equity into Transportation Planning and Engineering Design
  • Mitigating Potential Adverse Impacts of Transportation Projects on Equity
  • Developing Effective and Inclusive Community Outreach Programs for Transportation Projects
  • Exploring the Principles of Accessibility-Based Transportation Planning
  • Utilizing Evaluation Tools and Performance Indicators for Measuring Progress Toward Transportation Equity Goals
  • Navigating the Benefits and Challenges of AI-Powered Transportation Systems

Course Availability

This course is offered virtually on the following dates:

Transportation Equity Fundamentals I (12 hrs):

Collaborative Healing

Nov 13 – 15, 2024 | 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm | Eastern Time


  • Mehri M. Mohebbi (University of Florida, FL)
  • Miguel Angel Vazquez (California Planning Roundtable, CA)

Transportation Equity Fundamentals II (12 hrs):

Universal Accessibility

Oct 23 – 25, 2024 | 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm | Eastern Time


  • Mehri M. Mohebbi (University of Florida, FL)
  • Anna Zivarts (Disability Rights Washington, WA)