To access the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), Highway Safety Software (HSS), TSIS-CORSIM, etc., please visit our store.
These are the steps that you can take to download the software products:

If you are a current user and maintaining your subscription:

  1. 访问http://store.mctrans.ce.ufl.edu,然后点击登录(Log in)
  2. 请登录我们的商店。或者注册一个新账号并将您的注册号码发送电子邮件至 mctrans@ce.ufl.edu
    The registration number is formatted as ############# and only contains numbers.
  3. McTrans将在2个工作日内更新您的记录并将您购买的产品与您的账户绑定。我们将为您的每个产品分配一个序列号,用来激活您的软件。
    The serial number is formatted as #####-#####-#####-#####-#####-##### and contains numbers and letters.
  4. A new page will open and allow you to download the software that is registered. Your registration number along with your assigned serial number will be displayed in this screen. Also, if your subscription is expired, you will need to renew that before accessing the software.
  5. .


  1. 访问http://store.mctrans.ce.ufl.edu,然后点击登录(Log in)
  2. 如果您已经建了一个账户,请直接登录。如果还未拥有账户,注册一个新账户。
  3. 浏览我们的软件产品,将它们添加到您的购物车后下单。
  4. 完成购买后,请发送电子邮件至mctrans@ce.ufl.edu并,告知我们需要访问该软件的终端用户。终端用户必须在商店中注册。我们将分配对购买的软件产品的访问权限(包括分配用于激活的激活号(serial number))。
  5. 对于任何有关注册的问题,请通过mctrans@ce.ufl.edu联系我们。



Click on the BLUE Proceed to Download Versions to see the software versions available to download and uninstall prior versions before installing v2024.
The image below is an example of what the button will look like:

Download Button Examples


  1. 对于常规安装,双击下载好的installation.exe文件,并按照提示进行安装。
  2. 对于静默安装,安装文件夹中提供了说明文件(Silent Installation Readme.txt)。以下图的HCS2023安装为例,将压缩包解压后,就可以找到说明文件(Silent Installation Readme HCS.txt)和响应文件。
    注意: Silent installation is only available for 2023 series or later products.


  1. 安装软件后,初次使用软件时将出现激活窗口。请按照窗口上的说明操作。
  2. 有两种激活方式: 在线激活(Online Activation)电子邮件激活(E-mail Activation).
    • 请先使用在线激活(Online Activation)。如果无法激活,再使用电子邮件激活(Email Activation)
  3. 选择激活选项后,填入激活信息。所有需要的字段将被标记为红色,包括以下内容。
    • 激活号码(Serial Number)
    • 公司名称(Company Name)
    • 公司地址、城市、邮政编码和国家(Company Address, City, Postal Code, and Country)
    • 电子邮件地址(Email Address)
  4. 您会被分配到一个激活号码(serial number)。 如果您找不到此激活号码或想确认激活号码,请通过mctrans@ce.ufl.edu与我们联系。 您还可以通过在 McTrans Store 上登录您的帐户来查看该号码。 每个购买的产品的激活号码将列在您的帐户产品注册页面中(首先需要从顶部菜单中单击我的账户)。
  5. 填写完所有必要信息后,您应该能完成激活过程并开始使用您的软件。如果出现任何问题,请联系我们mctrans@ce.ufl.edu

在哪里可以找到或索取您的激活号码(Serial Number)

购买软件后,您会被分配产品的用户编号和激活号码。 下订单后,这个过程最多需要 2 个工作日。 McTrans 会尽快与您联系,提供任何必要的信息,包括您的用户编号和激活号码。 如果您找不到您的激活号码或想确认它,请通过mctrans@ce.ufl.edu。与我们联系。

您还可以通过登录McTrans 商店来查找 激活号码

  1. 访问http://store.mctrans.ce.ufl.edu,然后点击登录(Log in)
  2. 当您登录之后,点击 "我的账户(My account)"。之后,从左侧菜单栏选择产品注册(Product registration)
  3. 您购买的产品都会在页面上列出。
  4. 在每个产品下,列出的第一项就是产品激活号码。





  1. 找到HCS或TSIS-CORSIM程序文件夹(HCS通常在C:\Program Files (x86)\McTrans,TSIS-CORSIM通常在C:\Program Files (x86)\FHWA),找到名为lpregister510.exe的文件。
  2. 右键点击lpregister510.exe,选择以管理员身份运行
  3. 点击后该程序会在在后台运行。确保注册表的信息是正确的。
  4. 如果问题仍然存在,并且这个问题在HCS和TSIS-CORSIM中都出现,请尝试解决方案B。


  1. 通过Windows的"添加或删除程序"功能,卸载计算机上所有版本的HCS和TSIS-CORSIM。
  2. 所有版本地HCS和TSIS-CORSIM程序被卸载后,重新安装最新版本的HCS和TSIS-CORSIM。
  3. 如果问题仍在存在,请再次尝试解决方案A。
  4. 如果你已经尝试过上述两个解决方案,但仍然遇到这个弹窗问题,请联系McTrans支持

Uninstalling Your Software

  1. To uninstall your software, you may use the uninstall feature from the software itself or the Windows Add or Remove Programs utility.
  2. Software uninstall feature
    • Open the Windows start menu and find the folder with your software.
    • An uninstall item should be listed. Click the uninstall item (e.g., Windows > HCS2024 > Uninstall HCS2024).
    • The InstallShield Wizard will run. Follow the on-screen prompts to uninstall the software.
  3. Windows Add or Remove Programs utility
    • Search for Add or remove programs in the Windows search bar or open your Windows Settings > Apps.
    • In the list of apps, find the software you want to uninstall.
    • Click the software item in the list, then click the Uninstall button.
    • Follow any on-screen prompts to uninstall the software.

Deactivating Your Software

  1. To deactivate your software, open the License Viewer in your software.
    • Highway Capacity Software (HCS)
      1. Open the HCS main menu
      2. Click the three lines in the upper right corner of your window
      3. Select About HCS, which will cause the About HCS window to appear
      4. Click the License Viewer button
    • Highway Safety Software (HSS)
      1. Open HSS
      2. Click the About HSS link on the start screen or click Menu > Help > About HSS, which will cause the About HSS window to appear
      3. Click the License Viewer button
      1. Open TSIS-CORSIM
      2. Click Help > About TSIS, which will cause the About TSIS-CORSIM window to appear
      3. Click the License Viewer button
  2. Once the License Viewer window is open, click the Transfer License button found at the bottom of the window.
  3. An activation window will appear. To deactivate your license, click the Deactivate now button found at the bottom of the window. Follow the instructions on the window to deactivate your software.
    • If you decide to not deactivate your software, please click the End button at the bottom of the window or the x button at the top right corner of the window instead.
  4. If you need to reactivate your software, close your current software session and start a new session. An activation window will appear and you can click on the Activate again button. Follow the instructions on the window to reactivate your software.
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