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New Version

New in HSS 2025

Explore the new features and improvements in the latest version release.

Map-based segmentation for Rural and Urban Facilities

HSS 2025 introduces a map-based segmentation feature for rural and urban facilities, streamlining the design process by enabling users to build safety networks directly within a map-based platform. This feature simplifies and enhances the creation of safety networks on HSS.

High-Speed Urban Intersections

50 mph speed limit sign on post with a road and tree

This new method covers signalized and stop-controlled (3ST, 3SG, 4ST, 4SG) intersections on urban and suburban arterials with a posted speed limit of at least 50 mi/h. The crash prediction methods implemented in HSS 2025 replicate the findings developed under NCHRP Project 17-68.

Single-Point Diamond Ramp Terminals


This ramp terminal combines all the ramp movements into a single signalized intersection, eliminating the critical issue of coordinating the operation of two closely spaced intersections. The crash prediction methods implemented in HSS 2025 replicate the findings developed under NCHRP Project 17-68.

Tight Diamond Ramp Terminals


Tight diamond interchanges are a variation of the Diamond design, with the two crossroad ramp terminals being closely spaced (between 200 and 400 ft apart). Due to this proximity, both intersections operate and are evaluated as a road single element. The crash prediction methods implemented in HSS 2025 replicate the findings developed under NCHRP Project 17-68.

Integration with HCS and HSS

Using HSS can streamline your studies with built-in integration between capacity and safety analyses for freeways/highways.



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  • Implements user-defined crash modification factors (CMFs)
  • Adds map-based segmentation for rural and urban facilities
  • Adds procedure for High-Speed Urban Intersections (NCHRP 17-68)
  • Adds procedure for Ramp Terminals at Single-Point Diamond Interchanges (NCHRP 17-68)
  • Adds procedure for Ramp Terminals at Tight Diamond Interchanges (NCHRP 17-68)
  • Computes and displays crashes as a ratio of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in reports for segment analyses
  • Computes and displays crashes as a ratio of million entering vehicles in reports for intersection analyses
  • Adds diagrams for each Ramp Terminal type
  • Shows predicted PDO crashes for Multilane 3SG intersection

To view the full version release history, click here.

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