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Highway Capacity Software 2022
HCS 用户群组
HCS 用户群组是一个直接联系HCS用户的Linkedin专业群组。在群组中用户可以直接相互交流,分析使用HCS时遇到的问题以及学到经验。您可以直接点击这里加入。
HCS 用户手册
Highway Capacity Software (HCS) 配有全面的用户手册,提供可靠的参考。 用户手册不仅详细介绍了输入和输出,也说明了供调整和校准分析的参数。在每个版本的HCS中,都可以使用CTRL+G快捷或者通过主菜单访问用户手册。
Integrating HCS Signal Analyses with Excel for Efficient Traffic Studies
A traffic study usually involves a high volume of data inputs and outputs. The quality of [...]
5 pro-tips for freeway map segmentation in HCS
The Highway Capacity Manual provides a comprehensive segmentation framework for freeway analyses. In a facility comprised of [...]
Help! Why can’t I enter heavy vehicles or grades for my TWSC?
A common question we receive is about grayed-out fields for heavy vehicle percentages and/or grades in Two-Way [...]
2025 HCS User Guides