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HSS User Group

HSS User Group is a professional group hosted on LinkedIn to directly connect HSS users. The users are allowed to communicate directly with each other and share their questions and lessons learned while using the HSS tool. Membership is free of charge. You can join this group by clicking here.

HSS LinkedIn User Group
HSS User Guide

HSS User Guide

The Highway Safety Software (HSS) comes with a comprehensive user guide to provide a solid reference. Details of inputs and outputs are discussed. Moreover, you can find where the parameters are located to adjust/calibrate the analysis. The user’s guide is in HSS by pressing CTRL+G buttons or accessing through the main menu.

View User Guide

Highway Safety Manual

The basis of HSS analysis is the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) which provides comprehensive detail on every methodology. If theoretical aspects of the safety analyses are the subject of research and study, please do not forget to consult with this document.

Highway Safety Manual HSM

Tips & Hints

Information Window

Freeway Speed Lane Changes

Empirical Bayes Method

Type B Weavings

Nighttime Crashes

Intersection Crash Definition



HSS User Guide


2nd Edition of HSM


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