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Signal Optimization In TSIS-CORSIM with TRANSYT-7F

Dr. Gustavo de Andrade2023-07-12T18:19:58+00:00March 15, 2022|
Dr. Gustavo de Andrade
Dr. Gustavo de Andrade

TSIS-CORSIM is bundled with TRANSYT-7F (T7F) software for signal optimization.

It takes one click to export an arterial corridor model and settings in TSIS to (T7F), optimizing signal timings and coordination.
T7F simulation results and timings can be visualized in T7F as an animation in TRAFVU. Alternatively, the user may export the file back to TSIS-CORSIM .trf format or automatically append the proposed timing to the TSIS-CORSIM file with one single command.

TRANSYT-7F can also import files directly from HCS for corridor optimization.

Optimization in T7F
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