Highway Capacity Analysis Virtual Series

Virtual or In-Person | Applicable for 12 PDHs

This course is for engineering and planning professionals who wish to understand HCM methods and their applications. It is also designed to provide a solid foundation for studying for exams such as PE or PTOE.

Experienced instructors will provide an overview of the methodology steps, highlighting key concepts, best practices, common mistakes and limitations of the methods. The instructor will also highlight major methodological changes in the 7th Edition of HCM (2022). Several example problems will be discussed in class and students will have the opportunity to practice the use of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) to perform HCM-based capacity analyses.

Register Online Self-Paced Format In-Person Training


A brief overview of HCM key concepts, principles, and an introduction to the methodological changes in the HCM 7th Edition (2022)

HCM methods to analyze individual freeway segments (basic, merge, diverge, and weaving), freeway facilities, oversaturated conditions, work zones, and travel time reliability

HCM methods to analyze multilane highways and two-lane highways

HCM methods to analyze stop-controlled intersections (Two-Way Stop Control and All-Way Stop Control) and roundabouts

HCM methods to analyze signalized intersections, including: single and multi-period analyses; pre-timed, actuated and coordinated control; signal timing optimization

HCM methods to analyze urban streets segments and facilities:

HCM methods to analyze interchanges (Diamond, Parclo, SPUI and DDI) and alternative intersections (Restricted Crossing U-Turn, Median U-Turn and Displaced Left-Turn)

Course Availability

This course is offered virtually from 1-5pm (ET) on the following dates:
May 06 – 08, 2025

For information about in-person training options, click here.